Sunday, July 24, 2005

more Kommentaries

There is no embarrassment in love, or shame. --7-24-05

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Kwame's Kommentaries, 7-14-05

Sometimes I assault people's Virgin ears. Oftentimes its good for them. Sometimes I overwhelm virgin eyes.

Many mornings you have to sit on the toilet to get your brain and spiritual mind to work.

Make writing a release not a crutch.

Thou shalt love unflinchingly, erringly and without care.

Just as Martin Luther brought a Christian Reformation to Europe, so has Martin Luther King, Jr., brought a Civil Rights Reformation to Amerika and the world.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Evangelist: A Screenplay in the making

The Evangelist to the Gangs

A Screenplay by Kenneth Kwame Welsh

July 2004-July 2005

This story is mostly true. It all takes place mostly during a three and half year period starting in 1958, and ending in 1961, in New York City. It covers from the mid-1940's to the mid-1960's.

Some of the most famous Brooklyn gangs of the fifties actually dateback to the 1940s! Some even survived into the late 60s (or longer?).
Main characters are David Wilkerson, Nicky Cruz, Israel, Stagecoach, Buckwheat
New York, 1943.
In Harlem, a white policeman shot Negro soldier Robert Bandy in the left shoulder. The policeman had been arresting a Negro woman when Bandy intervened to defend her. Bandy struck the policeman, then turned away and refused an order to halt. Rumors spread that he was shot dead in the back, in the presence of his mother. The New Republic: "New York had another riot in 1935. Mayor LaGuardia appointed a bi-racial commission which held hearings and submitted a report which included recommendations that might have prevented, or at least made less likely and less destructive, the riot of August 1, 1943. But unfortunately, the report was never made public and most of its recommendations were unheeded." (Source: Background Briefing).

* HARLEM Race Riot, 1943. 6 died, and over 500 were injured, more than 100 were jailed.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Just as you helped me to be pre-cum wet,
and butt-cheek sweat,

i want to reciprocate,
by putting something on your plate,

imagine this thing,
me behind your swing,

you standing facing the bed,
with your azz before my head,

my hands ever outreached,
to frame and pry apart your cheeks,

then to have my tongue,
approach the cavern of YUM,

just let me in for one moment,
so we feel the sweetest torment,

my finger tips typing at your muscle,
tongue straining to touch a corpuscle,

bend over my round sweet,
let taste a not ordinary treat,

just this once, please,
because, soon you'll be on your knees.

To be continued...

by kw, 9-11-04.

three sets of lips

i thought of the title of a poem
called the three sets of lips, Fri, 24 Dec 2004

what are the three sets?
mouth lips, vaginal lips, and anal lips
i'll write three sets of lips in your honor
you can just imagine

i'd like to have you kneel at foot of the bed
i'll be bent over, with my hands spreading your cheeks
my face buried inside
my tongue tip...flicking about
piercing those lips
digging deep inside
tasting that rare juice
searching for rib-like sides
spreading cheeks a lil more
pressing whole face in...
one finger comes to the rescue
boring even deeper within the recesses
a sweet aroma wafts out
...i've been holding back

Some of my poems, short stories and commentaries

Some of my poems, short stories and commentaries (old and new) go here. Also, some stuff from friends and others, that I like.

Some might be adult or for the over 18 crowd. But I welcome your comments, ALWAYS!