Monday, January 21, 2008

Marvin Wilson is here with us

I want you to welcome Marvin Wilson, who is here with us today to talk about his new book, "Owen Fiddler." These are my questions to him:

Kwame: I have never lived in the Midwest, but How do you like living in the Midwest, especially Michigan?

Marvin: It is a frozen hostile wasteland! Do not ever come here, if you value your life! Most of the waking day is spent foraging for food, fighting the elements, boring through the ice for a fish to eat. Were it not for my pact with my good friend, Nantuk, I'd never survive! LOL - Seriously, I love it here. Michigan winters are best suited for winter sports nuts, of which I am not one, but the four beautiful and distinct seasons in Michigan are often spectacular, particularly in the northern regions. I'm an out-doorsy kind of guy, love rustic camping, and although I like to travel and experience other states/countries, I'll probably keep Michigan as my place of residence for life.

Kwame: What inspired you to write Owen Fiddler?

Marvin: I'm fifty-eight years old, I've been around the block several times and back in this life with eyes, ears, heart, mind and soul wide open, and I've learned a few things that I hope to share with others. That's the primary impetus for all my writing. Not that I'm some hallowed prophet or wise man or anything close to that, far from it. I'm just a messenger delivering reminder messages that the great Masters of antiquity have instructed humanity with since time immemorial. As individuals and as a society we tend to forget the ancient truths, we get lost in our petty self-centered melodramas and lose sight of the interconnectedness of all things and beings. I try to write a darn good entertaining book that exposes these departures from spiritual veracity and provides pointers on how to right the ship. OWEN FIDDLER is about choices and consequences. It's about the knowledge of good and evil and creating Heaven or Hell for ourselves with our own free will choices.

Kwame: Was there any one person that made you think of Owen?

Marvin: (Sing along to the tune of the Beatles' "Nowhere Man") Has a selfish point of view, why he's such a fool, no clue, in't he a bit like me and you? Owen, man, please listen. You don't know what you're missing. Owen, man, your world is at your command!

Kwame: Do you see the human race "going down the drain" more, in light of this writing?

Marvin: I try to remain optimistic, I'm an optimist at heart. That's why I'm doing my little bit to try and help. I think the human race is worth salvaging, in spite of all the corruption, terrorism, racial, ethnic and religious hatred in the world. We are created in God's image. Jesus Christ Himself said, "Is it not written in your law, ye are gods?" Will the Age of Aquarious have a chance to flourish, to spread the Kingdom of Heaven out upon the earth before we blow ourselves up? Will humankind become re-enlightened, awakened from its self-estranged spiritual slumber in the depths of the dark side of the soul before it's too late? I don't know, but there sure sounds like a good book to write in those last two sentences while I'm waiting to see and pushing for the best! (smile)

Kwame: Will there be a sequel to Owen Fiddler? Maybe more about his daughter?

Marvin: OWEN FIDDLER begs for a sequel, perhaps even a series. If the book generates a large and eager readership, I'm sure I'll pen a follow-up. I could even see it being a TV sitcomdram (my word {-:>)

Kwame: Where to after this month-long blog tour?

Marvin: Well, I will continue to market Owen, of course, you can't let up as an aspiring author, but I will also get back to more writing. And reading. I write for hours a day when I'm in the zone, and I like to balance every hour of writing with an hour of reading. I learn so much from reading and analyzing the skills and styles of other writers.

Kwame: What do you see yourself doing later in 2008, early 2009?

Marvin: I'm about halfway through the writing of a third novel, and have a story idea I've started fleshing out for a fourth. Between getting through the first and second drafts of those, doing all the work it takes to edit, submit, obtain a contract for publishing, etc., I'm sure I'll be busy all year and into next. And of course, inspirations hit me all the time for more book ideas, so there'll probably be books five and six or seven simmering on some of the back burners as well.

Kwame, thank you so much for inviting me to your blog and the opportunity to share with your readers. It's been great getting to know you, and your questions were interesting and fun to compose answers to. To those who wish to obtain a copy of OWEN FIDDLER, the e-book is now available at:,, and - trade paperbacks will be out later this year, but that process takes much longer, so far about $5, it's a steal and you can read it now. For more info on OWEN FIDDLER, excerpts, reviews, etc., go to:

And everyone, please feel free to contact me! I love meeting new people, making new friends, and always enjoy dialogue and feedback about my writing. I can be e-mailed at: and my MySpace is at:

Marvin, thanks for being with us!

Remember folks, please leave a comment (with your e-mail address in it) so you can be eligible for the prize drawing. All commentors will receive free downloadable sample first chapters of Owen Fiddler and my first book, I ROMANCED THE STONE. The drawing prizes are: 2nd and 1st runner-up: choice of a paperback copy of I ROMANCED THE STONE or a PDF copy of OWEN FIDDLER. Grand prize winner receives both books!

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Owen will be here tomorrow!

Tomorrow, I'm encouraging you readers to leave a comment (with their e-mail address in it) so you can be eligible for the prize drawing.

All commentors will receive free downloadable sample first chapters of Owen Fiddler and Marvin Wilson's first book, I ROMANCED THE STONE. The drawing prizes are: 2nd and 1st runner-up: choice of a paperback copy of I ROMANCED THE STONE or a PDF copy of OWEN FIDDLER. Grand prize winner receives both books.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Owen Fiddler availability

The Ebook is out right now, selling on and for only $5.50. By the end of January, it should also be offered on and it will be a Kindle Book on Amazon. The trade paperback version I expect out by mid-year. It will be available on Amazon and if not on the shelf at your local bookstore yet, you will be able to order a copy from just about anywhere. Print copies I estimate will cost in the $14 to $16 range.
Everyone who reads and comments on the interview will receive a small prize and will be entered into an author drawing for an even bigger one.
Watch this space January 21st.

Source: Idea from NovelEagle (Peggy Ullman Bell);

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Owen Hits the Airwaves!

Jan 17

News Flash! Owen Fiddler has been nominated for the prestigious AVATAR award for excellence in spiritual books. Yay! Also, today on the month long tour, we stopped in for a visit with Michigan Radio Talk Show host, Walter Sorg. You can listen to the podcast at: - click on "This weeks guests and interviews" - then scroll down to Thursday and you'll find it. It's a fun 5 minute listen.

Book websites at: Owen Fiddler and Rock of All Ages
Got MySpace? MySpace at: Marvin the Martian
Big ol' Blogs at: Free Spirit

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Owen's Tour Stop duJour!

Jan 16

Owen Fiddler and author Marvin D. Wilson stop in today at best-selling award-winning author Kristie Leigh Maguire's blog. Kristie threw some new and entertaining twists into this interview, read it and enjoy!
Publish Post

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Owen Goes Front Page!

Jan 15

Hey, All-

Owen Fiddler is front page and center now at: - check it out, get a copy if ya haven't yet (best 5-1/2 bucks you'll ever get up off of) - his story will help you with your New Years resolutions! LOL

Have a great out of the gate in 2K8-

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OWEN FIDDLER's eighth stop

Jan 12 (6 days ago)

OWEN FIDDLER's eighth stop on the month-long blog tour today is at The Printed Word - an entertaining, fun and informational blog hosted and maintained by award-winning and best selling author, Billie Williams! Billie asked some very unique questions, and she prompted some thoughtful and insightful answers - it's a good read - check it out at:
Don't forget to leave a comment - EVERYONE who does so receives a thank you gift, and ALL are eligible for the Grand Prize gift drawing!

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I'll be hosting part of the Owen Fiddler Tour

I'll be hosting part of the Owen Fiddler Tour!

Watch for it, next week!

Kwame Welsh

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Marvin Wilson on Blog Tour!

This is from Marvin Wilson (Jan 7):

Owen Fiddler Goes On Tour!

Hey, All-

Award-winning and best-selling author Nina Osier is the first hostess on the January month-long "Owen Fiddler Is Here!" blog tour. Read the interview at: ttp://

Leave a comment - receive a prize!

Book websites at: Owen Fiddler and Rock of All Ages
Got MySpace? MySpace at: Marvin the Martian
Big ol' Blogs at: Free Spirit

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